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Google Meet For Teaching

Google Meet is a wonderful resource which you can use for online teaching. Teaching to your student online with Google Meet is pretty seamless. I have created this “Google Meet for Teachers” guide to help you learn quickly to use Google Meet to teach your students.

Get access to the link

First, go to your web browser and type this link The link will open up line this.

Click on the New Meeting.

The moment you click on the New Meeting you will Get these 3 options mentioned below.

Let’s get into the details of all three points:

1) The First one:  Create a meeting for later:

When you click on this option you will get this screen.

Copy this link and send that to your students via mail or via WhatsApp. Save the link on your device so that you can use it later.

2) The second Option: Start an instant meeting:

The moment you click on it, an instant meeting will start.

To invite others to join the same meeting Click On the Add Others Button:

Or else Copy The link from here

And then share the link with the students to join instantly.

3) 3rd Option is to schedule a meeting and set it on Google calendar:

The moment you click on this a new screen will come up:

You can mention the Title or the topic of the meeting or class.

Select the date and time of the meeting or the class.

If it is a regular event at same time, select daily or else

Select the custom option to select the interval between two dates.

Let the other option as it is and click on save in the upper right corner

The moment you hit save Google Calendar will open up and will show the meeting schedule on it.

Hot tip: Schedule a practice meeting with another teacher or friend so that you can practice using it comfortably. This way you can work smoothly and you are ready to start taking classes with your students.

Schedule your first meeting

Share the Google Meet 

The meeting is set up, now it’s time to share with students. Copy the meeting id and click over to your email or Google Classroom to share it. Even if students don’t have Gmail accounts, they will be able to click on the link and attend the meeting.

Google Meet with your students!

The time has come to finally see your students in real-time. There are a few ways for you to start the meeting. Shortly before the meeting is scheduled to begin:

Start The Meeting

When you start the Meeting on Google Meet this screen will appear.

If your camera is on then the visual will show, else only the first two letters of the name will show in the middle of the screen.

Screen Controls

In the middle of the screen, you will be able to find the controls like the image below.

The first one is for the MIC, you can turn it on or off only by a single click on the icon.

The second one just beside the mic icon is for your Camera, again you can just use a single click to turn it on or off.

The fourth icon is to share Screen.

The moment you click on it a popup screen will appear.

If you want to share your laptop screen you just need to select the very first option as” Your entire screen”

When you click on the first option the below mention screen will appear where you need to select the screen and hit on the “SHARE” button.

To teach your students in an innovative way, you can share your screen through Google Meet. Share your entire desktop, a specific window, or a certain tab in a web browser.


The fifth option is with 3 dots.

When you click on that a popup window will come up.

The first option for this popup window is to select a whiteboard.

When you click on that whiteboard the bellow screen will come up.

You can use this whiteboard to draw something or to white something on-screen to show it to your students.

On the left side, panel click on the “Text Box” icon

Draw a text box by expanding it on the screen with your mouse.

Then write your message on the screen.

You can erase the screen and write a fresh.

finally, you can disconnect the call by clicking on the red button.

The bellow mention screen will appear, where you can exit the call but your student will remain connected in the meeting, they can exit by themselves.

Else you can end the call so that all the participants will get disconnected at the same time.

On the bellow right corner of the screen, you have certain controls.

To know how many students have joined the meeting click on the second icon, The below mention screen will appear.

It will show the no of students with their Gmail id name. If they logged in with another id apart from their own name, the id name will reflect here.

To add any student to the meeting click on the second option in the popup window and click on the “Add people” option.

The below screen will come up. Enter the name or the mail id to invite them to the meeting to join.

At the top of this tab, you are able to mute the students’ MIC, which is helpful so that there are no distractions to others while you are talking.

The below mention option is to mute or un-mute all the participants.

Click on that option and you will opt to give permission to the participants to share their screen or to send messages or to mute audio and to turn off & on their video.

This control helps to reduce the bandwidth of the call.

At the rightmost corner of the screen, you will get this icon.

the moment you click on it the below mention screen will appear.

Change the control to on or off mode.

The first image is on the mode the below image is the on-off mode.

To change it on or off you just need on it only once.

This is the Meeting id you will be able to find at the left below the corner of the screen.

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