Is online learning is a new normal for education

Using of technology in education
We are using Technology for more than a decade but nowadays we are using technology for every step. When we are talking about education we are using it on a large scale. This has made a lot of changes in the education system. And during this pandemic period for the last two years. In more than two years especially the school education and this college education. Become totally dependent on the digital platform.
The education system is being transformed into online education. The classes are happening online through the digital learning process. And even the assessment was also done online. The assessment used to happen through digital way. The test is taken through computers. Nowadays all the assessments are all the tests and happening online.

All the schools are closed due to the pandemic. So most of the schools made major changes in the education system. They have adopted the online system over a period of time. Over the course of the last two years. They are being dependent on technology. They become comfortable using the technology for this online study.
The online teaching method during this pandemic made significant changes. In the entire education system in the country. On the flip, online learning versus classroom learning. Classroom learning is always a valuable addition to the education system. But in this pandemic due to this lockdown students are bound to stay at home. They are not being able to go to the school’s colleges or universities to study. The study is happening online only.
When the situation will back to normal. As we are talking about the new normal. Situation educational institutions will re-opening their classes. There are offline classes but still, this online learning method is good to continue. When it sustains. With the use of high-tech digital learning technology online method of learning. It is making a revolution on study method. Face to face traditional teaching method is fading out. Every year technology becomes advanced day by day. People believe that classroom learning is better than those online learning. Due to direct interaction. Live interaction makes a better impact.

Online learning allows the student to get both benefits. First about joining the class to interact with the teachers. The other way of their learning is on their own. The way normally teaching happens in schools and colleges in the classroom. Is a one-directional lecture. The education delivery happens in one way. The teachers deliver lectures. And the students used to listen to that lecture only. Even if they are not able to understand or are interested. In the class, they still have to remain inside the class to join the lectures.

In online classes, the students are not bound to sit in a classroom environment. The feedback mechanism is very strong in the online classroom. In offline classes students are being able to give on spot feedback, that’s an advantage. But in the online education system. They can give personalized feedback like in a classroom.
In an offline classroom session. You might not get a chance if the classroom is having more than 40 students to ask questions. In an online learning system. You can do it by asking the teacher. and the question remains there so the teacher can answer it even after the class.
Online teaching versus offline teaching.
It’s all about a thin line between online training and offline training. In online teachers are using tools & technology to deliver the education. In a classroom session, the teacher remains the same only the delivery method to be changed.
The content of teaching remains the same. For teachers & students, knowledge and understanding are more important. But there is one point that every student does not find it’s easy to cope with the technology to learn. Every student doesn’t have the facility to use the internet mobile, laptop or tab to join the online class.
Technology becomes a barrier for them and creates a hindrance to study. Especially for the school kids in rural areas. To give them proper education through online mode. Schools & colleges in a state or an area. Have to rethink how they can provide the facility to the student to learn online. With the help of technology.
To ensure that this online method continues to help their students. With the sustainable period of time. The concerned authority has to ensure necessary arrangements. So that the student can avail the facility to study online.

To ensure that students should learn with the proper note. In the online education system, face to face teaching has to be there via online mode. There will be a blend of activities along with that show. That, students, should learn and apply their knowledge.
The benefit of online learning. With the help of technology is students can grow can learn. They can develop their own techniques. Because when they will search for a topic on the internet. While studying they will get lots of exposure of knowledge.
With the help of new technology with machine learning. Artificial intelligence, virtual reality and eco-system could help online learning. That system will combine theoretical lessons with projects. internships, online webinars which help the students to learn the far better way. This added value as an extracurricular activity. To ensure the new experience of learning.
Updated technological advancements help students to get a better experience. There are students who are good in class but there are students. you can do better in this online learning mode . That’s our next generations, they will use tools for different skill to use to perform a task. The student will be equipped with full of resources. With technical thinking and with new ability to learn.

Online learning also has some drawbacks. As there are lots of benefits there are some drawbacks also in online learning. At first the proper infrastructure, uninterrupted internet connection is very much needed.
Online learning required infrastructure it needs devices with uninterrupted connectivity. The users are both the teachers and students. Should be well versed with the technological platform. they used to deliver the knowledge along with the technical support.
The extensive use of devices creates an effect. To the health of the students because with a longer period of using a computer screen. Mobile screens, create an effect on health. Sitting in front of a screen for seeing a screen for a longer period of time. It affects the eyes and brains of both students. They become addicted to our devices toward or towards gadgets, especially School children’s.
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